How to lower a child's temperature?

Every mother gets worried when a child suddenly has a fever.With a slight increase in body temperature, parents, as a rule, are in no hurry to introduce antipyretic drugs, but if the reading of the thermometer exceeds 38.5-39 ° C, the moment of urgent action will come.
Of course, the right decision would be to call a doctor, but before his arrival you need to help the baby and alleviate his condition.
How to bring down the temperature of a child.
In the first year of life, the temperature in children is unstable and can fluctuate between 36-37.4 ° C. Usually it is slightly higher in the evening or immediately after waking up.If the baby has a slight increase in temperature, you need to find out if this is due to overheating.You should ventilate the room, undress the child and measure his temperature again after half an hour.If it does not normalize, but rather rises, then before the doctor arrives, take the following measures to lower the temperature.
The child needs to remain calm;Give him plenty to drink (boiled water, baby teas, or special rehydration solutions are suitable if the rise in temperature is accompanied by nausea and vomiting).Breastfeeding - often applied to the breast;Dress your baby in light clothes, do not cover with a blanket;Make an alcoholic vinegar or aqueous vinegar (food vinegar is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio).You can also wrap your baby in a wet diaper soaked in warm water for ten minutes;If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, use an age-appropriate antipyretic.Paracetamol has proven to be the most effective and safest drug in this regard.
More details about the drugs are described in the article - How to reduce the temperature in a child.
How to bring down the temperature of a child of preschool and school age.
To lower the temperature in older children, you can apply the same rules as for very young children, with a slight amendment.
Drinking can be varied.Ordinary teas are suitable, including herbal teas, dried fruit compotes and fruit drinks;Instead of wrapping a damp cloth around it, you can give your baby a warm bath;The room should be ventilated, let it be a little cool;It is necessary to feed the baby at elevated temperatures with light, preferably liquid food.You cannot serve fatty and sweet dishes, since during an illness the intestines work more slowly and are not ready to cope with such loads;When the temperature rises to 39 ° C, the child should be given an antipyretic.
No less useful material on this topic is in our article - What to do at high temperatures.
Important information.
The causes of fever are viruses, infections, inflammation, against which our immune system is mobilized and has its own defense mechanisms.Therefore, you should not lower the temperature immediately after it appears.If it is not critical, does not exceed the indications permissible for the age of the child, the patient tolerates it relatively easily, in which case it is necessary to withstand for some time and you can wait for a natural drop in temperature.
In all other cases: intense fever, fever, delirium, severe weakness, etc. Take measures to reduce the temperature and call a doctor.
You will learn more in the article of our resource - Temperature. meilleur casino en ligne francophone 2020
