How to create your image

Many believe that the guarantee of success is a gift of fate, obtained from nature - this is external beauty. But we see that in life very often success is far from being the most beautiful. Life gives us plenty of opportunities for free choice. We only need to be able to take advantage of these opportunities.

The main motto should be the following: & quot; Do not be born beautiful - learn to create a beautiful image. & Quot; Of course, it is clear that this is not so simple. This will require some personal effort. If you think that it is enough to go to a magician - a professional and he will issue a ready-made recipe, then you are mistaken. In fact, the image is not prescribed, it is produced. Not suddenly, not in one day, but gradually, step by step, trying, experimenting.

First you make an effort to create your image, trying to influence it. And then he begins to influence you. This is a very pleasant feeling - to look at yourself in the mirror, to feel self-confidence and to think: Everything will turn out! & quot; Creating your image consists of five stages:

 The first stage is the study of yourself. Before creating this or that image, you should thoroughly examine yourself, so to speak, your "basic basis". You need to objectively evaluate yourself, your external data, what you have in the physical sense.

 The second stage - it is necessary to determine your unique color range. Choose the most advantageous colors and shades for your appearance that will accompany you throughout your life.

 The third stage - you need to display your psychological portrait in appearance. Your personality traits, character, temperament, inner world — everything matters to create your image. For example, if you compare the spirit of twin sisters with different characters, they will have a completely different image.

 The fourth stage is the correspondence of your image to the role you have chosen for yourself. We understand perfectly well that any role we intend to play in this life requires an appropriate & quot; stage costume & quot ;. Be yourself a costume designer in a & quot; play & quot; of your life.

 The fifth stage is, of course, hairstyle and makeup. We perfectly understand that this is a very important component of our image. In some cases, a luxurious hairstyle and gorgeous makeup are irresistible, in other cases they can be vulgar.

 You need to look at yourself in a new way. The image you create will work successfully for you and will help you achieve success with your goals. You can effectively manage your appearance. hire software developers
